Good, Then we can agree that limited immigration from certain countries based on low IQ points. Or saying that immigrants from these countries are bound to fail, as Molyneux argues, is just pure hogwash.
Maybe we can agree that the gang-bangers in the ‘rough’ parts of Detroit, Los Angeles, could do much better in the right environment. Likewise, we should agree that immigrants from countries like Zimbabwe, or Nigeria, both countries with high grad rates could do quite well, and NOT fail at all, in more developed countries. They might even contribute greatly, as Dr. Benet Omalu did with his research on concussions.
As the poster, Recovey, and others have pointed out, IQ research is full of so much bias as to make the whole concept of measurable intelligence a joke. Sooo...when guys like Molybeux spew forth statements about IQ this, or IQ that, then we should dismiss it outright, because the foundation is too weak.
So, I probably have you worked up now. Relax. We’re all in this race together. If you REALLY feel strongly about sonething. Go volunteer. If you have certain views on politics, or whatever, then start a YouChannel.
I’m out. You guys can keep back-slappin,’ and high fiving each other like the penguins of Madagascar. I’ve gotta go preflight a big assed Boeing. Cheers.